viernes, 5 de junio de 2020


Shared by Rubén López

Project: ‘Historical Newspaper’
4th Year ESO

Introduction and Objectives:

        In this section we will focus on the analysis of a cross-curricular project, carried out two years ago, working together with other teachers from different departments (Spanish language and English) called ‘Historical Newspaper’. It was applied in a group of 4th ESO throughout the 2017-2018 course.

        The project tried to fulfill several objectives:

        1. The use of an active and participative didactic methodology, which would allow the students to be the protagonist of their teaching-learning process.
        2. The development of individual and cooperative learning by competences, through the co- resolution of tasks in order to achieve the transfer of learning.

        3. Focus on problem-situations, which the student should solve making appropriate use of the different types of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Thus, learning by projects favors active participation, the development of competences, and the motivation of students.

        4. Promote motivation to learn. The key element is that students understand what they learn, know what they are learning it for, and be able to use what they have learned in different contexts, inside and outside the classroom.

        5. The teamwork of the teaching staff to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the educational process, selecting the best methodological strategies and choosing quality teaching materials and resources.

        6. Use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).

        Description of the Project:

        The activity, based on the historical newspaper format, tries to put the pupils in front of real historical situations. It is about each group of students going through the most relevant historical events in Contemporary History narrating them as if they were journalists who have just witnessed what happened.

        Thus, collaboration with the Spanish language department will be of a paramount importance, especially in the treatment of journalistic language and objective narrative style. Something similar happens with the English department, as it is a great opportunity to improve general and specific vocabulary.

The project was developed following a series of steps:

        1. Class organization in heterogeneous cooperative groups of 3-4 people.

        2. Assignment of topics / historical stages, related to Contemporary History (from the Crisis of the Ancient Regime to the Present World).

        3. Selection of relevant news related to each historical period.

        4. Journalistic treatment of the news (in close collaboration with the Spanish language and English teachers).

        5. Preparation of a digital PowerPoint presentation (development of ICT skills).

        6. Oral presentation to the class, as part of the final mark of the activity.

        7. Maximum dissemination of the works through the development of a collaborative blog ( and the paper print of the work for its later exhibition through the center. At the same time, an open poll may be posted on the blog to assess the best or best jobs (the most voted will receive bonus points in the final mark).


        Finally, for the assessment of the project, we will use rubrics so that we can know the competence development acquired by the students, both when generating their works and when transmitting the knowledge acquired to the rest of the class.

Rubric oral presentations
Very good/good
Needs improvement

Information, subject knowledge & presentation

Students demonstrate full knowledge of the subject. They have time enough to give the most important information. At the end they summarize the most relevant information.
Students demonstrate good knowledge of the subject, with explanations and elaborations. They can't explain all the items properly because they don't have time enough. At the end they try to summarize the most relevant information.

Students demonstrate not much knowledge of the subject. They finish before it's time. They don't summarize the most relevant information.

Students demonstrate very poor knowledge of the subject. They finish before it's time and They don't know what to say. They have problems with the presentation and they don't summarize the most relevant information.

Students present complete information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. All the members take part in the explanation.

Students present information in logical sequence which audience can follow. All the members take part in the explanation.
Audience has difficulty following the presentation because students jump around. The order of the presentation is not clear. There aré students who don't participate in the explanation.
Audience cannot understand the presentation because there is no sequence of information. The order of the presentation is not clear.

Graphics and maps
Very interesting and high quality photographs or maps. They go well with the text. Good mix of text and graphics.
Interesting photographs or maps. They go well with the text, but there are so many that distract from the text.

The graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and They are not very interesting.

The graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen.

Enthusiasm, elocution & use of English

Students demonstrate a strong positive feeling about the topic during the entire presentation, with a clear voice and correct pronunciation so that all audience members can hear it. Very good use of English.

Students occasionally show positive feelings about the topic. The voice is clear. They pronounce most words correctly. Most audience members can hear the presentation. Good use of English.
Students show some negativity towards the topic presented. Their voice is low with incorrectly pronounced terms.
Audience members have difficulty hearing the presentation. Poor use of English, mixed with Spanish.

Students show absolutely no interest in the topic presented. They mumble, with incorrectly pronounced terms.
Very poor use of English, mixed with Spanish.

Body language and poise
Movements seem fluid and help the audience visualize. Students display relaxed, self- confident nature about self, with no mistakes.
Students make movements or gestures that facilitate articulation. They make minor mistakes, but quickly recover from them, displaying little or no tension.

Very little movements or descriptive gestures. Students display mild tension and have trouble recovering from mistakes.

No movements or descriptive gestures. Tension and nervousness is obvious. They have trouble recovering from mistakes.


We have explained a collaborative project that allows students to approach the study of Contemporary History in an active and participatory way, making them feel like protagonists of their own teaching-learning process. At the same time, we are promoting cooperative learning through group task resolution. In addition to this, we are working on key competences, which will allow us to obtain more lasting and permanent learning. Finally, we are working on ICTs, managing to increase students' motivation to learn.


Shared by Natalia Bodega:

PROJECT:  “World War I and Europe of the twenties and thirties”.

I want to relate History, Art, Literature, Visual and Plastic Expression and Technology.

The objective is to produce great drawings that are reproductions of famous paintings of the artistic Vanguards of the first third of the 20th century.

 1. "The Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp

2. "The Great Blue Horses" by "Der Blaue Reitter"

 2."The City rises" by Boccioni

3."Deustchland über alles" by Kurt Tucholsky

5. "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt

Students have to get continuous paper and through models, draw and paint the reproductions of these famous paintings.

This is related to the subject of Plastic and Visual Expression

Accompanying the images they will write texts of famous
writers of the twenties and thirties.

  1. For example, a text about the first world war of Erich María Remarque (author of "No news on the front") to accompany "La Fuente" by Marcel Duchamp. To demonstrate the nonsense of war.

  1. A text from Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" to go to "The Great Blue Horses" by "Der Blaue Reiter". To demonstrate the Expressionist Movement in Literature.

  1. A text of "The Futuristic Manifesto" next to "The city rises" of Boccioni. To demonstrate the Futuristic ideas.

  1. A text of "Goodbye to Berlin" by Christopher Isherwood next to "Deutchland über alles" by Kurt Tucholsky. To show the daily life in Berlin during the rising of Nazism.

  1. A text by Stephan Zweig about life in Imperial Vienna to accompany "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt.

The content of this activity is related to the subject of Language and Literature.

All the images will go next to a small explanation about the historical circumstances in those years.

  1. "The Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp, related to the big massacre in the WWI.
  1. "The Great Blue Horses" by "Der Blaue Reitter", related to the raising of Nazism and the Crack of 1929 and its repercussions in Europe.
  1. "The City rises" by Boccioni, related to the raising of Italian Fascism.

  1. "Deustchland über alles" by Kurt Tucholsky, related to the Weimar Republic and the hyperinflation.
  1. "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt related to the fall of the Austro – Hungarian Empire after 1918.

So, it will relate to the subject of History.

Students will record the realization of the paintings and texts. Then they will upload it to the internet.

This is related to the subject of Technology.


Shared by César Martínez

PROJECT: Natural diversity.
The Project aims to study the climate diversity in the planet and the direct link that this factor has with the natural diversity. The students should be aware of the richness they can find in the wild and the harmful side effects that a climate change will provoke on it unless we all stop it.

The subjects involved are Biology and Geology and Geography and History and the school year is 1st year of ESO. The reason why I have chosen these two subjects is that there are clear coincidences in their syllabus. Therefore, this kind of projects can help students to see content as a whole and set links among them.

Technology and Arts and Crafts can also be invited to take part as students must learn how to work with Office programmes such as Excel and PowerPoint (from a technical as well as an artistic approach) and search for information on the Net, too.

The contents, assessment criteria and learning standards this project is based on have been taken from the Curriculum established by the Law of Education and they can be found below.

Biology and Geology

Ecosistema: componentes. Factores abióticos y bióticos en los ecosistemas. Estructura trófica del ecosistema. Cadenas, redes y pirámides tróficas. Ecosistemas acuáticos. Ecosistemas terrestres.
Ecosistemas: bosque caducifolio (hayedos y robledales), bosque perennifolio (pinares, encinares y sabinares), bosque de ribera y humedales

1. Diferenciar los distintos componentes de un ecosistema.
2. Identificar en un ecosistema los factores desencadenantes de desequilibrios y establecer estrategias para restablecer el equilibrio del mismo
3. Reconocer y difundir acciones que favorecen la conservación del medio ambiente.

Identifica los distintos componentes de un ecosistema.
Reconoce y enumera los factores desencadenantes de desequilibrios en un ecosistema.
Selecciona acciones que previenen la destrucción del medioambiente.

Geography and History
Los climas en la Tierra
Los medios naturales del mundo.
Distribución geográfica de los medios naturales.
Los medios naturales de climas cálidos: La selva, el bosque tropical, la sabana y el desierto cálido.
Los medios naturales de climas templados: el bosque y el matorral mediterráneo, el bosque de tipo chino, el bosque caducifolio y el bosque de coníferas.
Los medios naturales de climas fríos: la tundra. Los hielos perpetuos y la alta montaña.
Los medios naturales y el ser humano. Los problemas medioambientales y la protección de los medios naturales.

1.  Localizar en el globo terráqueo las grandes zonas climáticas e identificar sus características.
2.  Localizar espacialmente los diferentes medios naturales del planeta.
3.  Diferenciar los distintos medios naturales de la Tierra atendiendo principalmente a su clima, suelo, vegetación y fauna.
4.  Mostrar una actitud positiva ante la conservación de los espacios naturales y rechazar cualquier agresión a los mismos.
5.  Elaborar y/o analizar mapas, imágenes y textos relacionados con el contenido de la unidad.
6.  Conocer, comparar y describir los grandes conjuntos bioclimáticos que conforman el espacio biogeográfico europeo.
7.  Expresarse correctamente en presentaciones orales y escritas utilizando el vocabulario de área.

Elabora climogramas y mapas que sitúen los climas del mundo.
Localiza y describe las zonas climáticas en el planeta e identifica sus características.
Elabora un climograma
Identifica los factores de un clima.
Enumera los climas de la Tierra.
Distingue, describe y compara los climas de la Tierra.
Localiza en un mapamundi los climas de la Tierra.
Presenta información a sus compañeros oralmente y por escrito.
Localiza en un mapa los grandes espacios bioclimáticos de Europa. 
Explica las características de los climas mundiales.

The students must prepare a cooperative PowerPoint presentation by using GoogleDrive. The class will be divided into groups, as many as climates to study. Each group must include the following slides in the shared Presentation:
1.   Presentation
2.   Map including the continents and areas in those continents where the climate is found
3.   A graph representing the climate mentioning the main characteristics (temperature and precipitation)
4.   A description of the ecosystem that can be found in the climate:
a.   Biological characteristics of the ecosystem
b.   photos depicting the flora and fauna which can be located in them.
c.    Specific risks the ecosystem may be facing

During both Biology and Geography lessons students will be working on the project and the assessment will be done by both teachers as well.  
The final product will be the oral presentation to the whole class.


Shared by Amalia Ugarte: 

This project involves the following subjects:

-        Social Science.
-        French.
-        Arts.
We are going to work the French revolution from various fields: historical, cultural and artistic.
All the activities will finally be integrated in a final product, a "Cahier de condolences" in which the following activities have to be included:
Social Sciences:
- Historical context of the French revolution and its most important periods.
- Artistic analysis of the most emblematic buildings of the French Revolution.
- Students will create a cardboard mock up of those buildings. After that, they will explain their mock ups to the rest of the students during Social Sciences class. 
- We will analyse the Marsellaise and afterwards, the pupils learning this subject will explain it to the rest of the class in Social Sciences.
Finally, they have to write everything in the Cahier, and the Spanish teacher will participate reviewing the composition.


  Shared by Ana Torrecilla: The Romanticism is an artistic and literary movement or philosophy, which had been growing since the French Rev...