jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

Rubén López shares:

The activity I will carry out in class with the objective of boosting communicative skills is called “Students-made review quiz

Description: The activity will be developed at the end of every unit, as a review of the content and vocabulary previously learned. With it, we would like to improve students’ language of learning (gramar, vocabulary and structures), language for learning (metacognitive skills) and language through learning (scaffolding). This is a very easy and engaging activity for pupils and I strongly recommend it.

Steps: -First of all, we have to organize the students into several groups, dependeding on the parts of the unit. For example, if we have explained a unit divided into 6 sections, we will need to create 6 groups of 4-5 people.
-Secondly, every group will be assigned a specific section of the unit. They will have to read it again and every member of the group will have to write down 2 different questions. One of them, a short answer question, the other one, a multiple choice question. On the top of the paper, every student will write their name and group in order to avoid a group answers their own questions.
-Once they have finished, we will collect all the questions and the quiz will start! Our role will be to read the questions and give points to the groups that answer properly, taking care that all the members of the group take part in the quiz. In addition, answers need to be given in a preestablished limited period of time, such as 10-20 seconds, in which all the members of the group can discuss and share theirpoint of view.
-Every group will earn a reward depending on their results, which can be given at the end of the course, as a kind of gamification.

Vocabulary and structures: with this activity we are having a review on the most important elements studied in class, giving the students the opportunity to develop the subject language awareness or CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency), and BICS  (Basic Interpersonal Communiation Skills).

Format: We are working both written and oral skills.

Discourse type: narrative or descriptive, depending on the question asked.

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